Continental Collection: ダマスクスウォッチ Damascene watch 1
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Originating in Syria and exported to Spain during the Moorish conquest in the early 700s AD, damascene is an artform that has literally been around for centuries. It was first started in Damascus, hence the name. Damascene jewelry is often handcrafted and depicts scenes with doves, flowers, and geometric shapes.
The labor-intensive technique is a surface decoration of engraving and metal plating. The jewelry is often made of steel or other base metal in which precious metals (usually 18 and 24k gold) are placed in groves on a small surface, then hammered in place. The black background is created by the oxidation of a very hot solution used to darken the background, creating magical scenes and stories.
This is a watch made using the Damascene technique, depicting a narrative that conveys the beauty of nature.
Damascene watch "1"
Material: Steel, 24K gold
Circumference: 18cm
Country of origin: Toledo, Spain
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Asia $10-$12 EMS 2-3days
Out side Asia $20-$25 EMS approximately 7 days
(Excludes Saturdays, Sundays and Japanese public holidays)
We accept credit cards, Paypal, Amazon Pay
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ダマスクスは英語では「damascene ダマシン」、スペイン語では「damasquinado ダマスキナード」と呼ばれる、シリアのダマスカスが発祥と言い伝えられる伝統工芸です。スペインではトレドが産地とされ、ここでつくられたダマスクスは最も美しく、魅力的とされています。
商品名:ダマスクスウォッチ 1
原産国・仕入国:Spain (スペインのダマスクスブランド刻印入り)
289flemington ポイント獲得
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